Why do fat kids love cake?

Or better yet, Why do I have to be such a fat kid?!

July 31st was the day, the day that "Georgie" (my dentist) fucked up my diet!
I thought I was going in for a root canal and instead I had to have my molar removed!
Now please keep in mind that dental work is something I have to be mentally prepared for, so the molar removal was completely out of left field. I left the office with a swollen face feeling violated and literally crying for my mommy.
To top it off there were all these rules, I couldn't eat solids for days, had to take antibiotics and vicodine and couldn't work out for at least a week.

I knew that the first and last of those rules was sure to bite me in the ass.
I didn't eat solids that weekend and thought great, even if I don't work out I'm sure to continue my weigh loss if I'm not eating much. The problem with that is that if I go without anything for a while I have to binge afterward to compensate, to give myself a reward for being so good.....for a while.
I rewarded my self with a burger that lead to burgers and tacos,fried food, pizza, doughnuts and ice cream.

I'm sure that it is now safe to work out, however I have not used my elliptical or wii fit since said dentist appointment.
I feel ashamed, i think that if my elliptical had eyes it would roll them at me and say "mmmmhhmmmm bitch please" and the Wii fit, man the Wii fit is going to lecture me! It's going to ask questions and tell me I've put on weigh :( it's a bully like that, I think I'm scared of it the most.

This morning I thought, this is the day I get back on track and I really believed it until about 9:30AM when it was time for coffee and there in front of me was CAKE!
Grrr I'm weak and I thrive on pleasure. The cake was good, very good. Moist, rich and it felt so good in my mouth. Why do I find such satisfaction from this? Why is cake worth jeopardizing my diet, health and sexiness?

Tomorrow is another day, hopefully a cake free day.

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M said...

Umm...I love cake. I swear, I am the only person I know that gets horny for cake and/or pizza. Its ridiculous.

I love your style of writing. Hang in there, Im off to read your other posts.

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